Find Out What Our Candidates Believe

Kristin Lyerly: 8th Congressional District (U.S. House)

  • She is an OBGYN and is very passionate about restoring Roe and promoting reproductive freedom for people across the state and country.

  • While abortion is the most visible aspect of her campaign, she wants letter writers to focus more generally on healthcare as well:

  • How the current healthcare system is failing us - access, prescription drug prices, and other barriers to care.

  • She encourages letter writers to write about what they care about — she values working together to find solutions that bring us together instead of divide us.

  • Her other key issues are economic security, public safety, and safeguarding our democracy.

    • Opponent: Tony Wied is endorsed by Donald Trump and is extreme MAGA, including denying women reproductive freed

Lee Snodgrass: Assembly District 52 (Appleton, Grand Chute)

  • Her office is considered one of the most responsive of any in the state legislature and has often helped out constituents from other districts that received no response to their needs

  • She is a locally focused representative who is always committed to being the district's biggest advocate and champion and knocks on thousands of doors across her district to listen to the voice of her constituents

  • Has been tireless in upholding the governor’s vetoes these past four years, keeping Republicans from passing legislation that is harmful to working class Wisconsinites and the most vulnerable among us.

  • Has worked across the aisle and, while she will never compromise her values, she will seek compromise to find the best possible outcome, 

  • She voted to keep the Brewers in Milwaukee primarily because of the negative impact on Appleton if the Timber Rattlers were forced to leave

  • Cares deeply about LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive freedom, and state park funding and conservation

    • Opponent: Chad Cooke, who recently lost his race for the County Board

Emily Tseffos: Assembly District 56

  • Is running a community-centered grassroots campaign and is holding meetings with stakeholders of all political persuasions to better understand the issues affecting the district

  • Her campaign is based on responsive representative government that we haven’t had and she believes we share more values than we realize even across party lines

  • Forward Together is a theme around making sure for instance we are fully funding public schools so that so many districts aren’t being forced to hold referendums to pay for schools

  • Believes that shared revenue from the state is essential to properly support municipalities – including smaller ones – struggling financially

  • Understands the need to fully support child care centers that are in danger of closing down all across Outagamie County

  • A strong believer in dignity for all people no matter their backgrounds or life choices

    • Opponent: Dave Murphy

    • Voted not to extend Child Care Counts

    • Has voted against fully funding schools

    • Sponsored bill for permitless carry

    • Against DEI

    • Election denie

    • Has not shown up in the district because his district has been safe for 10 years

Alicia Saunders: 2nd Assembly District 

  • Life summary: Alicia is a Navy Veteran, a single mom to two LGBTQ+ teens and a Blue Collar worker and survivor of domestic violence who grew up right here in Wisconsin.

  • Vets: As a Navy veteran, Alicia will work to ensure that veterans in our district have access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities.

  • Farmers: Empower our farmers to prosper, champion sustainable farming methods, and ensure our farmers and their families have the healthcare they need and deserve.

  • Equality: Every person has the freedom and right to live authentically, free from prejudice. Alicia is committed to fostering an environment where equality and inclusivity shine in every facet of our community's life.

  • Unions: Alicia will stand as a steadfast champion for workers' rights, advocate for fair wages, and commit to the safety and well-being of every worker.

  • Reproductive Rights: Alicia believes in the right of individuals to make decisions about their own bodies and their health. She will fiercely defend reproductive rights and ensure that comprehensive healthcare services are accessible to everyone in our district.

  • Firefighters: Alicia is in support of full funding for all emergency services, she understands that they are critical to our community and believes they shouldn’t have to hold fundraisers to have what they need.

    • Opponent: Shae Sortwell

      • Pro-life

      • Voted Against Child Care Counts that has helped keep the child care industry affordable and available

      • Voted Against Expansion of Badger Care through the ACA, costing state billion

Kris Alfheim: SENATE DISTRICT 18 (Consists of AD52, AD53, AD54)

  • Kris’s district includes major municipalities, large school districts and businesses of different sizes and needs a leader who has experience in public service and common sense decision making.

  • Kris has owned her own financial services company for years and understands the economic needs of the community

  • Currently serves on the Appleton Common Council and has demonstrated common sense decision making and finding a consensus among differing opinions.

  • Has spent over a decade advocating in Madison and Washington DC on issues ranging from Alzheimer’s Disease caretaker programs and common sense tax and retirement issues.

  • Last year, she successfully helped pass legislation requiring financial literacy in all WI public schools.

    • Opponent: Anthony Phillips, who has advocated for conservatives including former Governor Scott Walker and former State Senator Roger Roth.

Kelly Peterson: SENATE DISTRICT 2 (Consists of  AD4, AD5, AD6) 

  • Former Emmy-award winning journalist and current college educator.

  • Through her work producing documentaries, Kelly has and extensive understanding of education, healthcare and human trafficking.

  • Wants to deliver for hard-working families who are being ignored

  • Key issues 

    • Abortion access, 

    • Improving the accessibility and affordability of childcare 

    • Supporting WI family farmers’ businesses.

  • Opponent: Eric Wimberger

    • Has opposed women’s reproductive freedom and Child Care Counts which would help deal with unaffordable child care.

    • Opposed to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in schools.

Jason Schmitz: Assembly District 3

A resident of Harrison who has lived in the Fox Valley his entire life.

Married with two adult kids

Works for Neenah Foundry as an Electrician.

Is the current Financial Secretary for the United Steelworker local at the foundry. 

He's the Treasurer for the Fox Valley Area Labor Council. 

He's also a volunteer for the Outagamie County Community Emergency Response Team.

Jason wants to 

  • Repeal the 2011 Wisconsin Act 10

  • Repeal Right to Work 

  • Restore prevailing wage

  • Increase funding for public schools

  • Increase minimum wage to $15

  • Increase funding for Police

  • Continue to fix Wisconsin infrastructure while supporting legislation for buy Wisconsin/buy American 

  • Vigorously support women's rights.

    • Opponent: Incumbent Ron Tussler

Greg Sampson: 5th Assembly District

  • A former pastor with an incredibly kind heart.

  • Greg is a strong proponent of equity and equality and acceptance of all

  • Deeply cares about LGBTQ Rights

  • Supports expansion of Badger Care through federal dollars that would vastly improve health care for the most vulnerable.

  • Supports Child Care Counts to help resolve the child care crisis in the state

  • Opponent: Joy Goeben 

    • Endorsed by Pro-Life Wisconsin.

    • A “proud member of the NRA.”

    • Voted Against Child Care Counts that has helped keep the child care industry affordable and available

    • Voted Against Expansion of Badger Care through the ACA, costing state billions

Duane Shukoski: Assembly District 53

  • A lifelong Neenah resident who worked his way up from union production operator to environment leader during his 37 years at Kimberly Clark

  • Duane’s key issues

  • Being a good steward of the environment, something he learned about working for Kimberly Clark. 

  • Maintain a healthy state, and to keep the lakes we fish in, the air we breathe, and the water we drink clean.

  • Fully supporting the public schools he, his wife and his kids and which his grandkids are currently attending 

  • Restoring reproductive rights to Wisconsinites. Women and their healthcare providers, not politicians, should be the ones making these personal decisions. 

    • Opponent: Dean Kaufert, former Neenah mayor