The name of this organization shall be the Democratic Party of Outagamie County.

It shall be the primary responsibility of the County Party to develop the fullest possible Party membership in the county; to hold regularly scheduled meetings; to encourage Democratic candidates for county and legislative offices; to form and maintain an effective campaign organization; to make recommendations for a Party platform; and, generally, to promote the interests of the Democratic Party in the county.

Section 1. Any resident of Outagamie County, at least fourteen (14) years of age, who subscribes to the progressive principles of the Democratic Party is eligible for voting membership and shall become a member upon payment of dues and receipt of such dues by the County Party Treasurer or the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Such a person is automatically a member of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Section 2. Those persons who reside in adjacent counties may be received into full membership inthe Democratic Party of Outagamie County upon payment and receipt of such dues by either the County or State Party. Such an arrangement shall be in writing between the Chairs of the two (2) counties and a copy of the agreement shall be filed with State Party Headquarters. No person shall be a member of more than one county unit.

Section 1. The elected officers of the County Democratic Party shall include a Chair, Vice-Chair,
Secretary, and Treasurer. Such officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, starting in January of odd numbered years. In addition, the County Party may provide for such additional officers as it desires, such offices to be held until the next election of officers. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined. 

Section 2. Regular nomination of a candidate for County Party office may only be made at the nomination meeting in correspondence with the provisions of Article VII, Section 4. The Nomination Committee will present their recommended nominations, if any. Additional nominations may be made from the floor by any member present. A person not nominated at this meeting shall be ineligible to be elected to Party office at the subsequent election meeting. A nomination must have the consent of the nominee. Such consent may be verbal, if the nominee is present at the nomination meeting, otherwise it must be submitted in writing at the nomination meeting. Failure to provide such consent shall invalidate the nomination of the person nominated. 

Section 3. Election of a County Party officer shall require a majority of the members voting. If two (2) or more candidates are nominated for an office, election shall be by secret ballot with a majority vote required for election.

Section 4. The Chair shall be the presiding officer at all meetings, shall act as administrative head of the organization and shall have the power to appoint committee chairs. Such committee chairs shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair until the project is completed or until the Chair’s term of office expires. Such committee chairs shall report regularly to the County Party membership.

Section 5. The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for the executive direction of the County Party in the event of the Chair’s absence or incapacitation and shall succeed to the office of Chair in the case of the resignation of the Chair, for the remainder of the term of office of the Chair.

Section 6. In the case of the inability or unwillingness of the Vice-Chair to serve as Chair when there is a vacancy under Section 5 above, there shall be a special election for the remainder of the Chair’s term, with this election being held in correspondence with the provisions of Article VII, Section 4, but with the nomination and election process both taking place at the first regular meeting following the notice required under Article VII, Section 4. Notice shall be given by the Executive Committee as soon as possible after the Executive Committee learns that the Vice-Chair is unable or unwilling to serve as Chair. The temporary chair of the special election meeting will be the Vice-Chair, if able and willing, or if not, then the Secretary.

Section 7. The Secretary shall maintain all records of the organization, shall record the minutes of all meetings in permanent form and perform all communications as directed.

Section 8. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the organization, shall make financial reports at each County Party meeting, and shall expend funds only in accordance with the directives of either the Executive Committee or the majority vote of the members. The Treasurer shall also prepare such financial statements as are required by law and forward them to the proper county, state, or federal officials. The treasurer shall also keep a record of all paid memberships. The Treasurer’s books shall be submitted annually to an auditor or to an auditing committee appointed by the Chair.

Section 9. In the case of a vacancy in any County Party elective office other than that of Chair, there shall be a special election for the remainder of the elective office’s term, with this election being held in correspondence with the provisions of Article VII, Section 4, but with the nomination and election process both taking place at the first regular meeting following the notice required under Article VII, Section 4. Notice shall be given by the Executive Committee as soon as possible after the Executive Committee learns of the vacancy.

Section 1. The County Chair and/or the Executive Committee of a County shall have the power to create committees for specific purposes whose chair shall be appointed by the local County Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. 

Section 2. The voting members of the Executive Committee shall initially consist of the elected officers of the County Party, a representative of the County College Democrats, the immediate past Chair of the County Party who shall serve for one term following their term as County Chair, and such appointed committee chairs as the Executive Committee shall ask to serve. A quorum shall be 60% of the Executive Committee members. 

Section 3. The Chair of the County Party shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee. 

Section 4. The Executive Committee may meet regularly between County Party meetings at the call of the Chair. The Chair shall also call a meeting at the request of a majority of the Executive Committee. Such meetings can occur either in person or by electronic communication of the Executive Committee. Decisions made by a majority vote of the Executive Committee shall be final.

Section 1. Membership dues shall be determined by the Administrative Committee of the State
Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

Section 2. A portion of the annual membership dues as set by the Constitution of the State Democratic Party of Wisconsin shall be sent to the State Party Treasurer. The portion of membership dues remaining within the County may be used as the County Party determines.

Section 3. Funds for the County Party treasury may be solicited from sources other than membership dues.

Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, shall be the parliamentary authority for all meetings unless contrary to the provisions of this constitution.

Section 2. Unless otherwise ordered by the County Party or its Executive Committee, regular meetings shall be held once a month at a time and place agreed upon by its members. Written notice of regular meetings shall be sent to the members at least seven (7) days before each meeting.

Section 3. When three (3) months elapse without a meeting of the County Party, any current members may petition the Democratic Party of Wisconsin State Chair who shall call a meeting of the County Party giving a ten (10) day written notice.

Section 4. The bi-annual County Party meeting held for the purpose of nominating officers and other business shall not be held earlier than November one (1) nor later than December fifteen (15) in even numbered years, following a ten (10) day written notice to each member entitled to vote and to State Party Headquarters. The subsequent election shall be held not less than ten (10) days after the nominating meeting nor later than December thirty-first (31) in even numbered years. At any such election meeting, only County Party members whose dues are paid at least five (5) days prior to the election are eligible to vote. In the event that the County Chair shall fail to call such nomination and/or election meetings within the period specified herein, the State Party Chair shall be authorized to call a nomination meeting and/or election as soon as practicable, providing that the provisions of this section with respect to notice shall be observed. 

Section 5. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by the Executive Committee or upon the written request of any ten (10) members. Written notice of a special meeting shall be sent at least seven(7) days before such meeting and shall contain a notice of the purpose of the meeting. 

Section 6. Ten (10) County Party members shall constitute a quorum for conducting business at any meeting.

Section 1. The Democratic Party of Outagamie County shall have the ability to endorse any candidate for any non-partisan elective office, whether for a primary or general election. Such an endorsement must be presented at a general membership meeting for approval and be approved by 2/3 of the voting membership present. 

Section 2. In accordance with the State Democratic Constitution, the County Party is prohibited from endorsing or supporting any candidate in a Democratic presidential preference election or any partisan primary election which will determine the candidate of the Democratic Party for the ensuing election to office unless and until the State Administrative Committee approves said recommendation. Approval of an endorsement and support of a specific candidate shall require 2/3 majority vote of the
State Administrative Committee.

Section 1. “County Party” or “County Democratic Party” means the Democratic Party of Outagamie County.

Section 2. “State Party” means the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

Section 3. “Congressional District Chair” means the Chair of the Congressional District Committee of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

Section 4. “State Administrative Committee” means the State Administrative Committee of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. 

Section 5. “Written notice” shall be given by personal delivery or by the United States Postal Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing, notice may be given by electronic data transmission to members who have provided the County Party with an electronic address, unless that member specifically requests in writing that all notices be delivered by personal delivery or by the United States Postal Service. Notice is given upon personally delivered, when posted, or electronically transmitted.

Section 1. Amendments to this constitution shall require two (2) readings and the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting at the meeting called for that purpose. Notice of that meeting shall follow the same requirements as an election meeting. 

Section 2. A quorum for purposes of this Article shall be no fewer than ten (10) members or ten (10) percent of the current membership, whichever is greater.

Section 3. All amendments to this Constitution must be submitted in writing to the standing State Constitution Committee through State Party Headquarters.

Section 1. Adoption of this Constitution shall take place only after two (2) successive readings at either regular County Party meetings or meetings especially called, with appropriate written notice being sent to all members. Adoption shall be by majority vote. 

Section 2. This Constitution, by-laws, and amendments hereto shall be sent to the State Party Headquarters for approval by the State Democratic Party’s Administrative Committee before becoming effective.

Bylaws may be made for the convenience of operation for the County Party. They may be written, adopted or amended by simple majority vote of the members present at any regular County Party meeting, provided that a quorum is present. No bylaw may supersede or contradict any provision of this Constitution.

Section 1. This Constitution shall supersede any previous constitutions and rules to the contrary made by the County Party.

Section 2. If and when it shall appear that this Constitution is in conflict with the Constitution of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, the latter shall prevail.

Updated: October 13, 2003
Adopted: January, 2004 & February, 2004

Approved by State Party Administrative Committee: April, 2004
Updated: September 12, 2011

Adopted: October 10, 2011 & November 15, 2011
Approved by State Party Administrative Committee: January 15, 2012

Updated: March 9, 2015
Adopted: April 13, 2015 & May 11, 2015

Adopted With DPW Constitution Requested Changes: October 12, 2015 & November 09, 2015
Approved by State Party Administrative Committee: February 21, 2016


  1. Although all Democratic Party meetings are open to the public, all motions voted upon will be done only by the members of the Party present.

  2. In accordance with our Constitution, Article III, section 2: “Those persons who reside in adjacent counties may be received into full membership in the Democratic Party of Outagamie County upon payment and receipt of such dues by either the County or State Party. Such an arrangement shall be in writing between the Chairs of the two (2) counties and a copy of the agreement shall be filed with State Party Headquarters. No person shall be a member of more than one county unit.” To ensure that no membership problems arise, such written agreements must be signed by each County Party’s respective Chair and received by the State Party no later than February 1ST of each year. These agreements will be made available upon request to any County Party member.

  3. If any Outagamie County Democratic Party elected officer is not a Party member after thirty (30)days of their membership expiration, said officer thereby forfeits their position. This position will then befilled in accordance with Article IV, sections 5, 6, and 9 of our County Party Constitution.

  4. The Executive Board of the Outagamie County Party shall meet quarterly at a minimum (January, April, July and October) with the January meeting being a discussion of the previous year’s activities, and the setting of goals, events and budget for the year. Said budget will then be presented to the membership at the January meeting for discussion and approval. The subsequent three (3) meetings will be a discussion / update on activities and a review of the budget. Any and all decisions made by the Outagamie Democratic Party’s Executive Board shall be brought forth and presented to the membership at the first general membership meeting following the Executive Board’s meeting and decisions.

  5. In accordance with Article VII, section 2 of the State Democratic Party’s Bylaws, any and all funds raised by a committee or fundraising event must be turned into the treasury.

  6. Any and all requests for financial reimbursements made to the County Party for County Party expenses / events shall be submitted on the Outagamie County Democratic Party’s Reimbursement form and must include the original store or company receipt. No personal handwritten receipts will be accepted.

  7. Candidates for partisan office within the County may receive financial support from the Outagamie County Democratic Party based on the proportion of Outagamie County that is included in their respective Legislative District.

  8. In the case of a partisan primary, the County Party will provide equal support, although not financial, to all announced Democratic candidates.

  9. As County Party past precedence dictates, we offer endorsement to non-partisan spring election candidates who are Party members and offers of support to non members. Such candidates will be contacted and asked if they wish to speak at a general membership meeting and if they wish our endorsement or support.