Talking Points: Social Security

These are earned benefits that we have paid into and we should not have to worry about them being there for us when we need them.

It is a fundamental value difference between the two candidates and parties: President Biden looks to protect the most vulnerable while Trump and the Republicans seek to protect the wealthiest among us.

Republicans and Trump are once again threatening to cut or sunset these programs that most of us will come to rely on after retirement. Trump has called Social Security a Ponzi scheme and has called directly to cut benefits. His 2021 budget called for billions of dollars in cuts to the Social Security disability program.

President Biden has demanded Republicans take their threats to cut Social Security and Medicare off the table.

President Biden believes Social Security can become solvent with a fairly easy fix of raising the income level for contributions and making the wealthy finally begin to pay their fair share. 

If you want a secure retirement, you should vote to reelect President Biden. On the other hand, if you expect to die young and don’t care about other people, you can vote to elect his opponent.

See also …

Vote Biden to Protect Social Security

And from the Fox Cities Progressive:

Keeping the Faith: American Values and Social Security


Talking Points: Trump’s Crimes


Talking Points: The Environment