Biden still plenty sharp enough
President Biden, Elections Guest User President Biden, Elections Guest User

Biden still plenty sharp enough

By Kelly Fenton

As for President Biden’s cognition, I’ll take a man skillfully managing complex international crises and overseeing an economic recovery that is the envy of the G7 nations over the man who refers to bombing airports in the Revolutionary war and leaves his most ardent rally attendees scratching their heads in confusion and bemusement.

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Biden’s Record Proves He’s Not Too Old
President Biden Guest User President Biden Guest User

Biden’s Record Proves He’s Not Too Old

By: Kelly Fenton

If you still think he is too old, consider the alternative: a malignant narcissist only three years younger than Biden; who has 91 felony counts against him; is about to forfeit nearly a quarter of a billion dollars for real estate fraud; is credibly accused by 17 women of rape; and, for his crowning achievement, attempted to overturn the 2020 election.

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