Worker shortage at care centers is failing clients
By: Connie Raether
What are the solutions? To me, one is obvious. There are 11 million people in the U.S. without documents, people who left their home countries to escape poverty and war. They are here and they want to work. Why not give them work visas and driver’s licenses so they can fill the jobs that are open?
Voter fraud in Wisconsin? Yes, it’s called gerrymandering
By: Carol Lenz
Wisconsin has been called a democracy desert but that could change if the Wisconsin Supreme Court rules the 2021 voting maps as unconstitutional. Fair elections would be a great first step in healing the political divisiveness in our state.
Extremism Wins
By: Carol Lenz
With the support of Wisconsin’s Republican congressmen, the MAGA extremists got their man. Gallagher, Steil, Fitzgerald, Grothman, and Tiffany all voted for this radical agenda. Van Orden skipped the vote. Not a moderate among them. This is not where the majority of Wisconsinites are. But that is where the Republican Party is today.
Biden’s Record Proves He’s Not Too Old
By: Kelly Fenton
If you still think he is too old, consider the alternative: a malignant narcissist only three years younger than Biden; who has 91 felony counts against him; is about to forfeit nearly a quarter of a billion dollars for real estate fraud; is credibly accused by 17 women of rape; and, for his crowning achievement, attempted to overturn the 2020 election.
The future of American freedom is at stake
By: Carol Lenz
The threat to our freedom is real. Just listen to the authoritarian rhetoric of some politicians, and even some religious leaders. At stake are freedoms for women, for people of color, for religious minorities, for LGBTQ+ people, for people who like to read books. Even the very freedom to vote, which is at the heart of democracy, is being threatened.
Our democracy depends on you
By: Kelly Fenton
Nor can we forget that one of the candidates has been charged with 91 felonies, nor turn away from that candidate’s threats of future retribution. Red flags do not come any brighter, nor alarm bells any more deafening than that. Quite simply, our democracy depends on you. It is up to you to defend it. We have only one chance to get this right.
Do-Nothing Gallagher must go
By: Carol Lenz
‘Unproductive’ and ‘chaotic’ sums up 2023 for Congressman Mike Gallagher and the GOP House majority. What were their accomplishments? Well ... they elected a Speaker, after 15 votes. Then they fired the Speaker. After a few more weeks of chaos, they elected a new Speaker. Then they went on vacation …. Thanks, I guess?
Van Orden misrepresents border issues
By: Barbara Vander Loop
Immigrants do not take American jobs and are not a drain on our revenue. Nothing could be further from the truth. They take the jobs Americans don’t want while paying into Social Security. They take few employment benefits and are 60% less likely to be incarcerated than their American counterparts.
Some representatives placing party ahead of country
By: Eileen Felix
Republicans like Van Orden are responsible for the lack of help to fix the border. Ask him why he and his colleagues won’t bring the bill up for a vote. Many of us believe these senator’s place party ahead of our country and its needs.
Making our Social Security Sustainable
By: David Haas (w/ Fox Cities Progressive)
The system that we have now draws its income from taxes on wages and salaries but not on other forms of income. In the nineteen thirties it made sense to design the system that way, but it no longer makes sense today. We can achieve a part of our goal of making the system solvent by taxing all wages and salaries instead of only those below a certain level, but that will not do the whole job.